ITEF, Central HQrs, New Delhi writes letter to the Board requesting to consider consequential vacancies for the RY 2013-14 itself.
Read the full text of the letter dated 28th July 2014 as follows.....
Read the full text of the letter dated 28th July 2014 as follows.....
We write this with reference to the above two instructions issued by the Board and also the discussions the JCA representatives had with your goodself in the Quarterly Review Meeting held on 14.7.2014. Vide the second reference dated 27.05.2014, the CCAs were required to conduct the meetings of DPCs and effect promotions for the Group B & C cadres by 5th June, 2014 for vacancy year 2013-14.
We have been getting report from our field formations that though promotion orders have been issued in almost all charges, the Cadre Controlling Authorities in some charges have not taken the consequential vacancies while conducting DPC Meetings and effecting promotions. The reason communicated to us by our units is that some of the CCAs have taken the stand that although the vacancies are for RY 2013-14 as the promotions are being effected in the year 2014-15, the consequential vacancies will fall in the year 2014-15. The Stand taken by the CCAs is absolutely contrary to the Instructions of the Dept. Of Per. & Trg. dated 10.4.1989 with regard to determination of vacancies for DPC. This will also create problem and confusion in fixing the inter-se seniority of Direct Recruitees and Promotees and may lead to unnecessary litigation if the vacancy year for the consequential vacancies of a particular year is taken to a subsequent year in some regions. We reproduce below further clarification of para 4.1 of the said instructions of the DOPT.
“In reiteration of the aforesaid provision (para 4.1) of the DPC guidelines, dated 10.4.1989, it is hereby clarified that such vacancies arising in a particular vacancy year, as noted in the aforesaid Para 4.1, would be considered together by the DPC. These vacancies should also included newly created posts in the same vacancy year. Hence the DPC for a particular vacancy year held subsequent to the creation of such new posts in the same vacancy year would be required to take into consideration such newly-created posts also alongwith other already existing/anticipated vacancies arising in the same vacancy year. As a sequel to it, the zone of consideration would also get enlarged in a corresponding manner in terms of Dept. Of Per. & Trg. OM No. 22011/1/90-Estt.(D), dated 12.10.1990 and 22.4.1992”.
(Swamy’s manual on Establishment & Administration-Page 847)
Further the Dpt. Of Per & Trg in F.No. 22011/9/98-Estt(D) dated 6.10.1999 further clarified with regard to “Chain Vacancies” as under:
2. The aforesaid matter has been considered in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission. Accordingly, it is clarified that the “chain vacancies” on account of retirement etc. in the higher grades in a vacancy (panel) year shall include:-
The vacancies which can be clearly anticipated as likely to become available in the concerned grade by promotion of Officers of the service to higher grades during that vacancy (panel)year, (Expected promotion to the higher grades under the Model Calendar for DPCs would normally be against vacancies arising by retirement in all the higher grades/hierarchy as per Paragraph 7 of the OM dated 8.9.1988).
(Swamy’s manual on Establishment & Administration-Page 889)
It is clear from the above that the consequential vacancies of the promotions effected on newly created posts for RY 2013-14 should also be taken as anticipated vacancies while determining the regular vacancies for the same year. Therefore, the position taken by some of the CCAs need to be elucidated. We accordingly, request the Chairman to kindly direct the concerned to issue necessary clarification to the Pr. CCsIT to effect promotions for the consequential vacancies also during the same vacancy (panel) year and to maintain uniformity in the matter.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(KP Rajagopal)
Secretary General
why the association asks to done so.All the promotees and others are not given space to work in the office and CATs were dismissing even the RY 2013-14 promotion orders.
The association should have asked to implement the Hon'ble Supreme Court Constitutional bench judgment dated 15.07.2014 in the case of Rohtas Bhankhar & others Vs UOI and others where in the DOPT OM No.36012/23/96-Estt(Res) dated 22.07.1997 is declared illegal which was withdrawing lower qualifying marks/lesser standard of evaluation for SC/ST candidates in the departmental examinations such as Ministerail staff, ITI and ITO exams.
What about thr promotion of AO on the basis of EA or otherwise. Why our Leaders are not taking care of this promotion. Is this cadre not belongs to I.Tax /ITEF. Are we not memberd of ITEF as OS ? Is top Leaders thought that this cadre is not deserves any promotion after completing 20 to 30 yrs service.
Mr. Rajagopal, did you see the DoPT instructions that every 5 years RR should be amended and compulsorily on restructuring ?! You have no comment on continuing RR without any amendment for the last 28 years?....
The itef is ignorning the os my dear Comdare. They are bother about Iti only
Even after 32 years service the poor OS cadre official are not getting promotion .ITEF NEVER BOTHER. THEY WROTE A LETEER TO THE BOARD SAYING THAT consequential vacancies is to be filled up for 2013 14 and kept quite. Its eye wash. The OS are illtreated by other cadre. Its true. So we all O S in india should stand United and fight for the justice. I t e f will never help you
In Mumbai Region where is the promotion to the post of Sr.TA.
I believe ITEF Mumbai is aginst it and does not buy the idea that consequential vacancies arise in the same year.
Therefore they have taken a decision to oppose it
I really appreciate the action of ITEF. It is correct that the consequential posts fall under R.Y.2013-14 and should be filled up immediately basing on the instructions issued by the Board on 27.05.2014. One should understand the fact that if date of passing quota is retained in 'New Rules' nobody will rise questions. Why it is to be removed all of sudden. The people who are working in the Department for the last 20 years are also waiting for their promotion in Date of passing Quota.
Mr anonymous who posted 6.41 PM on 1st August,2014 whether ITEF is working against weaker sections? Why the RR not reviewed so far? Who will get quicker promotion if the date of passing continues? Think it and act accordingly.
Can I get old RR for ITI? Please post in this web site.
Can we do not anything ? Why we are waiting that Mr. Rajgopal will help us. Can we not send our grievances directly to CBDT so that there could be equal chances of promotions may be available to all. OS cadre is a senior most cadre In the class 3. But our so called leaders are anti to this cadre.
7.45 pm why u people r not questioning mr. Raj goapl since 2008. U r the member of itef u have right to ask. But u didn't questioned itef why becUse u r getting promotions after completion of 3 years from ta to sr.ta. I.e. Why u r not stressed the issue. As per pay commission recommendations, ta will becme sr.ta after 10 years I.e. 2400 to 4200. Now u people have pin pointing the issue for bunch of Iti posts. One thing is crystal clear that rrs are only prospective not retrospective. So please fight for consequential vacancies.
11.27 PM, as per DOPT orders every 5 years or any cadre reviews, the RR shall be reviewed. But, what happen in this department. After passing 28 years, the RR continues in the name of adhoc promotions. JAI HO.
OS Cadre is one which will consist of people who does not pass even the ITI exam in the Department and who are not senior enough to be promoted as AO which again consist of only half baked knowledge persons occupying the posts who are giving trouble daily to the members of staff. There should be an exam for the AO posts on establishment matters.
Mr anonymous at 04.08 comdare. Pl don't under stand the brain of O S. We dont wantt to tech line thats all. Do you mwan to say that you are so brilliant and know all. How many section r there in I T rule. Dont degree cadre others. If you brilliant you could gone and pass irs exam. So my dear friend don't think those who have not passed iti exam r fools. I would like to state that even I gave completed ito exam I like to adn. Side.
Passing quota should be retained either for promotion to ITI or for promotion to ITO. This motivate the officials for their better future . ITEF should raise this demand. Why the leaders are quiet they have to fight for better future of the members of ITEF. Therefore, passing quota should be provided at the level for ITI or ITO.
The 6th pay commission suggested that excess staff car drivers should be integrated to main stream .Now it is 8 years past. Nobody is thinking about the cadre .They are deprived of all their future carrier progression
Dear u could get it from admn manual. There is only draft rr which still in force and by the grace of our top union so called leaders.
Shame upon u to post these comments. Papers kaise clear hotey hai yeh sab jantey hain. For your kind information so many persons r there who already cleared exams upto ito but not willing to join iti/ito cadre b coz every body knows the what will happen to these cades in the coimg time. So pls have respect for ur senior. Many of them might be in the age group of your parents. Meri kadwi baat buri jaroor lageygi par sochna jaroor
Staff car drivers are getting salary with out any don't worry about them.
Driver should become principal driver or principal chief driver without any RR.
Dear Comdare 10.23 . You r absolutely right. Hats off to u. The junior r not giving respect to senior
First ITEF tells CBDT/Pr. CCIT to promote uniformly in all cadres and asks this.
I appreciate the initiative taken by central hqrs along with documentary facts to fill up the consequential posts in R. Y. 2013-14 as the unnecessary delay in promotion causing frustration among employees. This is also unnecessary delay as per my point of view because the Supreme Court, in their judgement dated 24.03.1983 in Civil Appeal No. 2954-55 and 2956-57 of 1980-Y. V. Rangaiah and Ors. Vs. J. Sreenivasa Rao and Others held that ' the vacancies are governed by the Recruitment Rules in force as on the date of occurrence of vacancies which occurred prior to the amended rules would be governed by the old rules and not by the amended rules'. Hence vacancies should be filled up in R. Y.-2013-14 with existing R. R.
Then, what about the Honble Supreme Court ruling on 15.07.2014 in the case of Rohtas Bhankhar & others Vs UOI and others on betterment examination.
Dear Comdare 12.58. Now u say that the itef had taken steps for the consequential promotion. Ok. But this point I am trying to tell them five months ago. Now we lost increment snd benefit. Till date the board have not given clearance and more over this need not require boards approval. Its automatically given. In the itef letter addressed to the bosrd they have stated that some ccit has given promtion for the consequential vancies but to my knowkedge it is not so. Let them tell which state. I will accept. So itef is playing game. Why the itef is not any effect to get done immediately by going on demonstration walk out. Think pl. They are not for senior. They dont respect the service of OS. Pl ask them .I have not got a fruitful reply from. They are dogging.
Dear brothers, ITEF only bother about ITI only because in income tax department the Inspector post is in Gr. -C cadre whereas in other department post having G.P.-4600 are in Gr. B (NG) and ITEF very much selfish in this matter that they never raised the point to change the Cadre of Inspector from Gr. -C to Gr. B (NG). If they do so then a number of employees immediately out from the ITEF membership. So, they do not want to leave these employees and ITEF is paying for this since long time. Now, ITEF have change the name of federation and covered also Gr. -B(NG) also MTS too. But they although want to enjoy the joy of posts therefore, they did not obsolete the post of MTS cadre or earlier Group-D cadre. They are running simultaneously two federation under one very nicely. It shows that they have some wasted interested alongwith these posts.
I humbly request to all the employees of the department that we should oppose the conferences organised by ITEF on National level and on Circle level and if ITEF is governed by laws then every employees have has the right to cast his vote for all post directly not as delegate.
They are playing game behind the election of delegates and the function of wasting of money every year.
Pl. forward this message to maximum employees and come with against the present by laws and tradition to have a post for long time not at National level (Apex Body) or Circle level.
Please compare with all ITI promotion orders issued by the various CCITs . Uniform promotions may be issued throughout Income tax department as all are governed by CBDT/DOPT/ Central Government organizations.
Dear publisher can u pl give correct postion of the Consqutial promtion taken by the board on basis of ITEF letter.this will help lot of person
CR cacancies created for ITI is 588.
for ITO is 180 and for ACIT and above is 150. Lat us leave aside this vacancy for ACIT and above to compute consequential vacancies.
However 180 posts created at ITO level would arise in ITI as consequential vacancy. Thus total addl vacancies to be filled up at ITI level is 768. One third will come from CCS and two third through promotion.
So 512 posts are to be filled up through promotions from OS, Sr.TAs and Stenos. On 19th June, 378 candidates were promoted. This means roughly two third of CR vacancies created were filled up through promotions. This has left aside consequential vacancies.
When these are filled up by promotion order issued separately, the impact would be that a number of candidates would lose seniority.
As of now a lot of 2006 batch of TAs did not get promotions but candidates of subsequent batch got it because of quota system of reservation. If all the posts were filled up at a time these poor 2006 batch TAs would not have lost seniority. This could have been avoided if one order for promotion was issued.
In the NWR circle conference was conducted by issuinf wrong notices. That conference was highjacked by some hooligan. They suo moto declared election result. Com Rajgopal was observer. It happned in May 2014. So many senior comrades bring all this happening in the knowledge of chq , chief election commissioner and other senior comrade at chq by sending written representation but chq is not willing to solve the dispute. There are apmle chances that there will be two circle bodies in nwr if this dispute will not be solved immediately. Neither president nor KP Rajgopal wanted to take interest. God kmows what they wanted to flash the msg. ITEF chq lossed its sheen. If they are not able to end the problem why r they doing false promise. They knows it well that this election if challenge d in the court's will mot be sustained.
Let me know that in Karnataka & Delhi regions, whether ITI promotions were effected in the ratio of 3:1 (MS : Steno) or in any other ratio. Kindly inform.
5.27 PM, in Some region the 3:1(MS:Steno) ratio adopted whereas in Mumbai region 6:2 adopted.The ITEF can clarify where every regions have separate orders for ITI promotions.
In Tamilnadu there is no constant ratio. It is a 'Secret of Chidambaram' how the ITI promotion raito adopted in Tamilnadu. No one questions.
In TN out of 393 ITI posts of CR2013, 262 posts were for PR quota. Around 30 posts under PR category are pending for want of candidates under quota system, more than 25 posts are meant for stenos. It is learnt that vaccancies reserved for stenos are likely remain as it is if existing rr continued in 2014-15 becoz no steno as on 1.1.14 is in the eligibility list. Where as around 250 Sr.TAs are in waiting.
There are around 70 posts for PR subsequent to
consequential vaccanies of ITIs created by 106 ito promotions.If 3:1 applied for that vaccanies also the unfilled posts may touch 50 for want of eligible stenos.
12In addition to comment at 10:38 on Aug 6, like to add : In Tamil Nadu out of 262 promoted as ITI is there any ratio in which promotion to ITI was made from SrTA/OS on basis of year of passing and date of seniority.............
income Tax department represents a true banana republic.
CCAs defy CBDT\DoPT guidelines and Apex court orders.
Employees are their own masters. When an employee would come to office and when he would leave is a matter decided by him only. No office rules exist. He gets attendance even after absenting provided he keeps the OS happy for some consideration.
In such a scenario, it is said that ITEF is taking up matters with CBDT.
WHO IS THIS CBDT that they are taking up with. Does it exist?
CBDT is truly represented by the person who does not know what is 3:1 and how it is the same as 6:2 ( comment at 9.26 pm on aug 6th). These people handle assessment charges on behalf of CBDT.
Pl refer to my question reg boards decision on Consqutial promtion . So far mo reply from you too.that means you are also like itef.then what is use of having this site.
In Karnataka & Delhi regions on what basis the promotion to the cadre of ITI was effected due to the CR vacancies. Whether after clubbing all the cadres (OS, Sr.TA & Steno Gr.I) or 3:1 ratio? Kindly anybody inform from these regions.
In TN, out of 262 posts pertains to promotion only around 234 has been filled by following 1:1 ratio as per existing rr ie., one person from service seniority the next one from date of passing seniority and so on.
3:1 OR 6:2 which one is correct as per recruitment rules?
dear August 7, 2014 at 7:37 AM, the same situation in bihar also. It should be merging of cadres(OS, stenoI and Sr. T.A) first before the DPC.
Nobody bother about new RR, association wants to clear the vacancies as early as possible. So that their dreams come true.
dosto according to our GS sh. rajgopalam g, new rr frame hone m 2 sal b lag sakte h or 4 bhi yeh unhone udaipur rajasthan m ITEF ki conferrence m kha h, so dont worry mast rho jo hoga achha hi hoga
Agle saal Rajgopal retire hojaayega. Phir ITEF ko acche din aajaayega zaroor.
Then you have to wait till May 2015.
Rajgopalji to feb 2015 ke elections mein hi chale jaingey lakin janey se pehley sab senior employees ka jaroor kar ke jainge
Dosto Secy. Gen sahib ne 24th May ko Rohtak confrrrnce mein elaan kiya tha key 31 May 2014 tak kam se kam Ea key rule to aa hi jainge. Ab yeh kuch or keh rahein hai.Jab se ess sahib ne charge liya hai juniors ko faida or seniors ko nuksaan hi huya hai.
Rajgopal ji khoob aish kar rahe hain member's ke paiso par. Lekin kuch kaam nahi kar rahe hain member's ke hith me. Inka ek hi kaam hain Conference attend kar na aur khoob khana aur peena. Bekaar saala.
Can association review all promotions wref 22.07.1997 as per SC ruling on betterment examination of SC/ST?
gud evening
i being a simple member of ITEF mistakenly had some hopes from this organization and its leadership. Many more comrades like me has such hopes. but its really pathetic so see that the union and its leadership is adopting a approach towards consequential promotion in the grade of ITIs which is totally understandable. At the first, no pressure is being mounted by the union to bring new RR at an early date and neither any pressure was mounted. Members of Sub-committee for the RR enjoyed their dine and wine and after more than one year no new RR is in picture. What your esteemed union is doing to build pressure to bringing the new RR on an early date. Or we should presume that union has no interest in bringing the new RRs in existence because of vested interest of some group.
Further, I am from Rajasthan working as Sr. TA. Here DPC for ITIs was held on 9th June 2014 and 88 persons were promoted. Due to ill effect of the old RR, about 30 seats of the quota of Stenographers are lying vacant. Adding to this there is no near possibility that the administration will find 30 plus suitable candidates in next 2-3 years.
Coming to the main issue, in Rajasthan consequential DPC for ITI was to be done on 78 seats. But the administration is conducting DPC on just 20 seats and our respected leaders in Rajasthan are sitting enjoying the moments. These 20 seats are being taken in vacancy year 2013-14. About the rest 58 seats the administration is mum and union is just giving its loose assurances. The time is for action and not for letterbaazi and tea party with the administration.
The situation is getting worse and it should not feel astonished to see many of your comrades quitting the union. At least take some stern action for new RR and for consequential DPC of 58 seats of ITI in Rajasthan
Union works only for its working committee and it has been proved by conducting the dpc of only 20 seats despite of available 78 seats of consequencal seat. however Mr. Rajgopal has written to cbdt to issue the letter to cbdt. A million dollar question why the rajasthan cadre is not following the path of central leadership? I request the leadership of rajasthan circle to think in the welfare of staff so that the frustration and sadness in staff may be eradicated and itef can be work as more powerful organization.
In 2001 cadre review it was very smooth and implemented within 10 month of approval by the cabinet due to the able leadership of Mr.Kutty. Now this useless Secretary General KPR is only dining and wining. God save ITEF and its members from this man till his exit aat the next conference.
Whereever required number of eligible stenographers who have completeted 3 yrs of service and passed the dept. Exam as on cutoff date for dpc (for RY 2013-14) are not available such vaccancies are to be filled with eligible STAs in the waiting list. If at all the same rr continued and stenographers become available in the following year (RY2014-15) the required numbers for stenographers be taken from OS/STA . As the reservation quoto for stenographers is different from deprived classes vaccancy entrusted in constitution, such flexibility is possible if ITEF takes initiative. It is learnt that tens of, hundreds of inspector vacancies are lying unfilled by promotion for want of suitable stenographers throughout India put together.These vaccacies are not likely to be filledup in near future even if existing rr continued and new rr has no such provision of quota. Then why not get filled these vacancies from available STAs.
Everybody knows ITEF and leadership helps whom? Nevertheless, one thing happened in our department all the vacancies will reserve for future recruitment of some group like parents reserve their children for admission in the leading schools viz. 20 years service senior of poor ex. LDC vs 3 years of the same group.
Responsibility for implementation of CR rests with CBDT not with service associations.These associations have limited role of advisory nature. The association can adopt agitation path only as a last resort. The delay in implementation of CR can not be attributed to the leadership of ITEF, but ONLY TO THE LEADERSHIP OF CBDT. IRS officers know only IT Act. and not interested to know beyond that. They lack leadership qualities required to handle at varied situations and so unfit for HR management.
Even we can find in our daily routine work, IRS officers either fresh or old will ask us to findout the solution in a difficult situation and will not suggest the one being the leader but will take full credit for success of subordinate's idea. Even they will not reward their subordinate for valuable suggestion rendered. This is theinherent quality specific toIRS (IT) officers. You can find successful leaders retired IAS, IPS or even from defence, but u can't find one from IRS (IT).(latest example k'walji-wanted to take full credit ,improper decision making due to lack of potential).
The solution lies in change of leadership of CBDT from the clutches of IRS to IAS. Don't blame service associations and its leadership. Daily administarion of dept is not managed by Rajagopal. Neither3:1 ration not brought during his tenure as SG nor Parmar case filed during his tenure. All these were pre-existing and solution to these are to be found out by administration. Can his signature in any paper resolve these issues. Then why do we all blame him. Did every suggestions putforth by ITEF agreed by board in past ? Then how can a labour union leader become responsible for administrative breakdown.
Dear 5:56PM chamcha of Rajgopal, why your leader chosen as Secretary General by the members? To watch in closed eyes for the administrative delays and mistakes and by merely writing letters to the CBDT? Why the RRs are not finalized despite such a long time? Why your SG has not called any agitation for regarding CR despite15 months have passed from Cabinets approval? What your SG doing in New Delhi by taking salary from Member's contribution? If your SG is not capable of doing anything to ITEF members ask him to resign and go back to his State and atleast ask him to do some Office work atleast before his retirement.
What Mr.K.N.Purushothaman from Kochi saying so far is absolutely correct.
Hi dear 09:39 from Rajasthan dost dusro kinthali m dekhne ke bajay khud ki per dhyan do, agar khud ka number nahi aa rha ho to SG ki seat dikhti h or rhi bat 88 ki to pta b h kitni seat thi insp dpc m or kitni fill up hui h raj ko raj hi rahne do. jyada dikkat h to 106 walon se pucho or nahi to rti m mango hakikat samne aa jayegi, pta lag jayega ki kitni seat excess fill ki h wo kha se aye. hm dusro di thali m nhi dekhte nhi to 10-12 ko to revert karwa sakte h, wo b sr.ta wale so sant hi rho to achcha h. or chupchap masti se apni apni nokri karo jo hoga achcha hoga or bhagwan kare aap b next dpc m insp ban jaye. best of luck
Whether category and promoted against vacancy shall mention in all promotion orders?
I agree with 6.42pm.
From Chamcha of SG:
Will u blame Rajagopal for not creating required infrastucture for new offices? Will u blame Rajagopal for not notifying the new jurisdiction?
Is it his duty to do these things? I believe, certainly not. Govt has entrusted this job to persons recruited through upsc. Simillarly, the responsibility of implementing CR is also in the hands of persons appointed through upsc. The implementation of CR is not the work of ITEF. To protect the employees from exploitation of administration is the duty of employees union. I think the federation did this job satisfactorily. Regarding distribution of posts among DR/PR or ministerial cadre/stenos are either policy decisions of govt or court rulings. Who is empowered to deal with it ? Is it a federation or CBDT?
If u r made as a SG, which side will u favour, PR/ DR, MINISTERIAL/STENO, Service seniority/Passing seniority. Everyone wants policy to be framed in their favour and take the issues to tribunals and courts. It is the right given to the individual by our constitution. Federation remined neutral in tribunal/court matters becoz all r its members. They can't go with any group.
At the most what federation can do is to mount pressure on administration by way of agitation. I think after cabinet clearing CR, head of CBDT changed thrice and fourth one is holding office now. Each time new chairperson takesover the chair, he demands some time to resolve the issue. We agree as a goodwill gesture but they quit the office without doing anything. Is this not true. Can we say no when a new chairperson asks it?
Can anyone say any rights or previleges enjoyed by the employee of IT dept has been taken away the administration or any complaint regarding explotation of its members by administration during Rajagopal's tenure as SG.
If the administration fails to do its duty, it is for the Unions to put pressure by hook or crook to see that the administration to function in time bound manner. Federation knows the exact tenure of each Chairman and how much service he/she will balance left? The Chairman doesn't come from outside the department to study the issues. Before elevated as Chairman he/she has the long experience of holding Administrative CCIT, Member of CBDT etc., If so what is need and necessity for "time" to resolve the issue? It is just a time taking excuse and federation is yielding each and every time. If your Secretary General is unfit to deliver the issues, better ask him to pack his things and go back.
Absolutely right. S.G. is working towards vested interest. If above mentioned comrade who is writing comments in support of KPR is closed aid of KPR pls asked him why he is playing dirty politics in NWR. Why he alongwith others sitting upon issues of NWR which required his ddecisions not IRS or Chairman. If u people have some sympathetic attitude toward employee pls took decision and reply.
Dear 10.03 pm 15 Aug, you want how many years to complete entire cadre restructuring? 10 more years want you? you should know all regions have their own rules to implement the CR even though they come one roof.
ITEF ko kab achhe din aayenge?
After retirement of our present great Secretary General.
On saturday cbdt chairman visited vizag and assured new n exec.asst issue will be resolved very soon ie in a month..we all know sri k.v.choudhary is one of d best n honest officers in deptt,,n unless kpr stopd him, v can expect things to be resolved..
New Recruitment Rules are going to be released soon, hence the organization wants the consequential vacancies to be filled by RY 2013-14 itself.
Lot of Inspector vacancies reserved for Stenos are lying vacant in most of the regions, due to non-availability of qualified stenos.
ITEF should take immediate, necessary steps to divert the ITI posts for the Sr.TAs for the RY 2013-14 itself without any damage to the Stenos, so that all the Sr.TAs may be benefited.
10.03pm, I totally disagree.
This only department such date of passing and date of seniorty exists.
This only department clerIcal staff earning chores of rupees and luxury life with only source of salary income
This only dept. even irs officers and other staff depending in contingents. This only dept. having better promotion channel. Even contiengent also becoming inspector within 10 years having ssc fake certificate or managed certificate. So my dear don't criticise anybody. Fight for our long pending demands like 2001 incentive scheme.
Presently We are all Dora's if any thing wrong happend we will be dongas. There is no need to target one cat. To another one post to another. If u see how many sta./os have subject. Even gr.d also becoming Iti. Some of the Stenos doesn't know the basic things. So this is democratic country. If u say I don't know no one cannot pick the even a single hair. So don't blame any body. Don't spoil dept. goodwill and don't spoil ur health and wealth. Be cool and enjoy with u r family
no promotion to the cadre of STA in AP Charge, what is the reason
The CAT has stayed promotions
Jaago Mohan piyaare jaago ......
Jaago JCA leaders jaago....
Yes. Rajgopal and Bhattacharya wake up soon.
11.07AM, yes grd to iti, ldc to ito, sg to jcit, 6:2,3:1, dept exam held and not held,cat calcelled orders, courts orders not implemented and at all happen in this department.
It is better to cancel the Cadre Restructure and revert all the promotion orders.
In Central Excise & Customs Cadre Restructure consequential vacancies are going to be filled up in one go including that of Superintendent to Assistant Commissioner. If so why not in our Department? ITGOA has miserably failed in this regard to ensure all consequential promotions for ITOs to ACIT.
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